Can the Russian Economy SurviveRussian dictator Vladmir Putin famously though that the "Special Military Operation" in Ukraine would only last three days. Russian forces…Mar 16Mar 16
Killing Me Softly: Roberta FlackThe longer we live, the more people we knew, either directly or as part of our past world, die. Today Roberta Flack died.Feb 24Feb 24
At its best, the purpose of the information produced by intelligence agencies to to provide…Snowden not only published information about government programs that could, tangentially, collect information about US citizens, he also…Jan 24, 20242Jan 24, 20242
The Corruption of Computer ScientistsI am disappointed to learn that a computer scientist that I have admired for their research papers and blog posts has become a “crypto bro”…Jul 29, 2022Jul 29, 2022
The Design of ShitCoin 💩The post discusses the design of ShitCoin, the first completely honest cryptocurrency. ShitCoin is, of course, inspired by DogeCoin. Think…Jul 1, 2022Jul 1, 2022