For almost two decades, Randall Mills has been making claims that his company of the moment will have power generation systems “real soon now”.
Mills’ current company is Brilliant Light Power, which claims to have demonstrated devices that produce significantly more energy than goes into the system. A system of the type Mills claims Brilliant Light Power can produce would immediately sell. First adopters might include people with “off the grid” houses and the military (who are always looking for better power generation systems). Yet in all these years, Mills has not shipped a single power generation system. Despite his constant claims that one will be available in two years. A Google search will quickly confirm this.
Mills’ claim that the “hydrino” exists is similarly unproven.
Mills claims that his power generation consumes hydrogen atoms converting them into hydrinos, which are actually “dark matter”. The lower than ground state electron of Mills hydrino atom is, apparently, permanent so it can no longer absorb energy and get boosted to a higher quantum state, making this type of hydrogen “dark”.
If the hydrino actually existed, it should be possible to verify its existence. So far this has not happened.
Then there is the problem of the claimed energy generation.
When a photon is absorbed by a single hydrogen atom, boosting the electron to a higher quantum orbital, the photon is released again when the electron returns to its lower state.
Apparently when the electron falls to a below ground state in the hydrino there is more than a single photo of energy produced. This claim is pretty difficult to believe.
Quantum mechanics has been a very robust theory which can be used to explain photosynthesis, chemical bonds and the transistors that make up modern computer systems. Mills’ claims have been largely ignored by the scientific community because Mills’ hydrino theory violates quantum mechanics.
Mills and Holverstott would probably claim that quantum mechanics is simply wrong (although they have not proven that hydrinos exist).
To address the claim that Mills’ theory is better than quantum mechanics someone would have to wade through Mills work and show that it is incorrect and does not, in fact, explain the existing experimental results that quantum mechanics does explain. Such a task would be very time consuming and so far no one with a deep understanding of the modern physics has stepped forward to do this. The reason is not that these people are emotionally invested in the status quo, but that they have better things to do with their time. Such a pursuit is Quixotic, since there is always someone lurking out on the internet with claims like Mills’.
Rather than argue about whether Mills’ theory is better than existing quantum theory we can simply wait for Mills power generation systems to start selling like Tesla cars. Unfortunately this is as unlikely as the existence of the hydrino.