I do all of my work on either Linux or MacOS. In many ways I find MacOS equivalent to Linux. MacOS, like Linux, is at the core a UNIX like operating system.
At one point I even considered buying another MacOS system. Then I ran into Apple's requirement to install through the app store, with all of the account headache, which includes providing a credit card number. At that point I decided that the next system I bought would be Linux and I decided on an Intel NUC 11 system (from SimplyNUC). These system ship with Fedora, which is my favored flavor of Linux.
I had considered a Dell Linux system, but I like the support that I get from small companies like Pogo Linux and SimplyNUC.
People complain about Linux and hardware issues, but hardware issues can be trying with the Mac as well. I had to buy an external USB-C hub to get my (in theory) USB compatible LG monitor to work with my MacBook Pro.
In closing I'll note that other than being a customer, I have no commercial connection with any of the companies I've mentioned.