I have read that the Russian military is in a sorry state, without proper supply of water, food and in some cases ammunition. The artillery advantage that they had is said to be gone. I expected that Ukraine would push toward the sea and the Russian military would collapse, leading to a larger Russian collapse.
This has not happened. The Russians are holding on and adapting their tactics. The New York Times had an article on warfare with cheap drones. The Ukrainians are masters of improvisation and building these drones. But the Russians are doing it too.
Ukraine deserves huge credit for being able to go on the offensive against Russia. Unfortunately, the hoped for break through has not happened. The Russians have not collapsed, despite their brutal leadership and incompetent logistics.
Putin is the grave digger of Russian. The Sherman analogy is correct because Russia will, in the long term, lose and not recover for decades, if ever.
Russia is now facing the enlarged NATO alliance and a world that largely hates them and views them as murderers, torturers and rapists. Unlike the fall of the Soviet Union, the Russians should not be given any aid, whether Putin is on the scene or not. No one should forget that the Russian people are behind the war. The world has been shown the nature of Russian society and it is ugly.