No candidate who wants to be elected is going to state that the society is guilty of crimes. What a future Russian President will do is blame it all on Putin. Putin and his inner circle were the problem, not Russian society. "We didn't support Putin", they will say. "But what could we do." Sadly, if Alexei Navalny (the jailed Russian presidential candidate) were elected president I don't think that it would create real change in Russia.
With Navalny or some other president the Russians would say "The war in Ukraine was Putin's fault. He's gone now, so sanctions should be lifted". There will be no discussion about any debt that Russia owes for killing so many Ukrainians and destroying so much of Ukraine.
There is an old saying that the ultimate revenge is living well.
Ukraine will rebuild and be a European country that is part of the EU.
Russia should get nothing. No aid, nothing but neighboring countries that are armed against Russian aggression. They will look over the border at Ukraine and see people who are richer in every respect.