Perhaps I am an example of what is wrong with the Democratic party and liberals.
I don't have anything but scorn for people who voted for Trump. And I will not apologize for this.
They either knew what they were doing by voting for an immoral racist criminal or they paid so little attention that they didn't fully appreciate what they were voting for.
Trump is a stain on the United States and its history. Trump is a condemnation of the people of the United States (at least the 49 percent who voted for him).
For years I've seen articles about who we coastal liberals (I'm originally from the SF Bay Area) should understand the people Kansas (or some other flyover state). I'll note that those people are not trying to understand anyone else's world view.
Trump is a symptom of a disease. The disease is late state capitalism which, increasingly, is failing most people. But voting for a revolting, horrible person like Trump does not help those people. He makes it worse, as we will see.
As to "talking down" to Trump voters: as anyone who has tried to talk to them will testify, there is no point in talking to them. They believe in a different reality. A reality of "alternative facts" to quote Kelly Ann Conaway.
Perhaps Democrats could do better targeting low-information voters. But this is a pathetic comment on US voters. Feed them propaganda that they can get their ill-informed minds around.
The MAGA folk are always talking about the "elites". Who are these "elites"? Are they people who read books and publications like the New York Times. Perhaps who graduated college? There's this idea that knowledge workers are somehow less worthy people than people who work with their hands. And that people in coastal cities are less "real American" than people in the dying heartland of the farms. Those "real Americans" have disgraced the history of their country.
A college education doesn't mean that you can think, but reading and being informed does. This is the opposite of low-information voters.