When I read these accounts it often strikes me that it must be exhausting for the woman in the relationship. These relationships seem to me to extend beyond kink, which can be compartmentalized. The female partner is supposed to give you a spanking for even minor things like leaving the door unlocked. I suppose you could say that she doesn't have to do this. She only has to spank if she feels like she wants the problem to go away. But then you could just stop leaving the door unlocked.
Which also suggests something that has only been tangentially discussed. Most boys have experience with female lead relationships from their mother growing up. By casting the female parter in the role of the disciplinarian, it is casting her a maternal role. Some women are not going to want to go down this path.
In the previous comments its been noted that men virtually always the ones asking for these relationships. It is a lot to ask of your partner and I suspect that some women refuse, either directly or by not following their assigned role as time goes on.