With the brutal unprovoked attack on Ukraine by Russia, Yandex, sometimes described as the Google of Russia, seems to be conducting a "charm offensive" by posting articles about Yandex technology.
As with any company currently operating in Russia, Yandex has had to cooperate with the FSB (the successor to the KGB) to remain in business. Anyone considering using Yandex open source should consider this.
While it is true that this code is published as open source, open source relies on trust. Most users are not going to have the resources to verify tens or hundreds of thousands of lines of course code to assure that it is not hiding a "trojan" (code that compromises the users security). Given the current state of Russia, nothing from Russia should be trusted, including this software. Even if this software can be verified as uncompromised, it is possible that it could be compromised in future updates.
Russia should be treated as a pariah state for the horrible crimes they continue to commit in Ukraine. This includes Russian companies like Yandex.