Wolfram is notorious for claiming credit for things that were published elsewhere previously. Computational irreducibility is an old idea. Wolfram has written about it, but it dates back decades. For example, fractals must be computed iteratively. Mandelbrot wrote decades ago about functions with no closed form (they must be computed, step by step). Wolfram is obsessed with cellular automata, another example of computational processes that don't have a closed form.
What I find ironic about Wolfram is that he is a genius and has written some good things. But his ego is so massive and his tendency to claim he invented things that he didn't has made people discount his work. If he wrote the same thing, without claiming his work was like Newton's Principia then it would be much better received.
Like Wolfram, I find Taleb an egomaniac. Taleb has some good work, but he comes off as someone who thinks that he is much more educated and insightful than anyone else.